Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Swan
Age: about 1000 years old
Voice claim: Andrew W.K.
Sexuality: aroace
Status: unknown
Family: father (Enrique)


Beginning of this character’s story is at "Roberto"! 

Roberto decides to leave Canilon for good. Arrived to a mountain, in the south of Canilon, he opens a new portal with his claws and enters. And what he discovers leaves him astonished: in front of his eyes, the most beautiful forest he had ever seen! With tons of amazing insects, from the most colorful beetles to the biggest butterflies. But the sight of the forest made him forget one thing: he forgot to close the portal behind him...

Roberto walks in the forest for a while. There was no bird chirping, no animal howling. Only insects. Was this dimension only populated with insects? Roberto will ask himself this question until he gets out of the forest: there were white stone constructions in a canyon, right next to a huge waterfall. And flying up high were birds. Roberto approached the city and noticed the birds were probably the ones who built those constructions. And those birds... they were swans. And they only had one eye! Exactly like he first did in Canilon, Roberto shapeshifted a second time, taking the appearance of a brown bird: like his Dog appearance, his Swan appearance kept its horns and bat wings.

The Swan people were very curious about this new bird fellow that came out of nowhere. Roberto teaches the birds English, and it's two months after staying in Sygnalus, the Swan world, that the birds could explain to Roberto that their home, Waterfall City, was chaotic; every Swan was doing as they pleased and no one knew what to do about it. The man finds a solution: they need a ruler! Every Swan in Waterfall City then elect their king, a Swan named Moyriu.
To thank Roberto for finding the solution to their problem, they rename him Robertungaas, "un gaas" meaning "the great" in old Swan language.

Moyriu and Robertungaas soon became best friends, the man even explaining to his friend his past years on Earth and in Canilon. He eventually forgets to mention the portal he left open in the forest. After twenty more years of not sleeping, Robertungaas finally starts to feel tired and decides to take a nap in his house, a cave deep down, near the Waterfall City canyon. What he didn't expect was the fact his nap would last... a bit more than one thousand years!

But what about the open portal? Well, I sure do hope no Swan finds it!