Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Age: 56 years old
Voice claim: none for now
Sexuality: straight
Status: dead
Family: son (Roberto)

Enrique was Roberto's father. After breaking up with his wife, he decided to devote the rest of his life to dangerous and illegal scientific experiments, his son following him in his career.
Enrique is the one who discovered the world was hiding other dimensions; but the day he tried to open a portal to another world, the experiment went wrong, causing a massive electrical shutdown in the whole city and his son to mutate! Roberto not being able to stay on Earth because of his appearance, he had to leave for an other dimension permanently. Nobody knows what had happened to Enrique after his son left and went missing.
Enrique was a pretty severe man, especially towards Roberto. He didn't like to show the fact he actually cares about his son. Also, he was probably insane.