Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Swan
Age: about 350 years old
Voice claim: Sprout (My Little Pony)
Sexuality: gay
Status: alive
Family: father (Guillaz) and mother (Felna)

Touan is Guillaz and Felna's child. His father went missing when he was only two years old, his mother taking good care of him on her own. She was a very king ruler, yet she clearly wasn't doing alright. Touan never knew why until he turned fourteen, his personal teacher, Albopictus, accidentally mentioning the Gate, that mysterious portal in the Green Mantis forest. Felna told Touan everything that had happened the day Guillaz was exiled.
Touan's teacher had a second student, miss Novaal. Touan and Novaal, taking their classes together, quickly became best friends. Novaal is an orphan, she was found by Felna when she was a chick, someone leaving her behind the door of the queen's palace. Later, Novaal often met with queen Felna, the ruler being very protective towards her: Felna and Novaal became very close, the queen almost acting like a mother to the Swan. Years later, Felna retired, leaving the crown to her son Touan, and his best friend, Novaal.
But Touan remained insecure: he did not believe he could make his people respect him when he’ll take his mom’s place on the throne. He had to find a solution…

Two years later, Queen Novaal and King Touan decided to take a walk to the Green Mantis forest, that was made a forbidden area when Guillaz got exiled. They came through the Gate, covered in chains. Novaal asked Touan why were chains covering this part of the forest; Touan told her that both of them learned it with their teacher, which Novaal responded by having forgotten: she actually didn't pay much attention to her classes.
Touan took advantage of his friend's ignorance, telling her that behind that portal, miserable creatures were suffering and desperately needed help. Novaal decided to find a plan to help said creatures, and a few days later, the two of them came by the Gate once again. But as soon as Touan removed the chains and that Novaal entered the portal, she turned into a horrific creature, with canines as sharp as razors. Touan then closed the Gate behind him and left his friend alone. To mask his betrayal, he told every Swan Novaal fell into a deep dark ravine and died. He even organized a false funeral for his "dead" friend!
Novaal was loved by all. But his plan was perfect: he would now rule Sygnalus by himself. Touan then brainwashed his subject to become as mean and selfish as he is: every Swan became horrible with each other, now only trusting their king: there it was, his solution of being respected by all!

After one hundred years of being the king, Sygnalus was chaotic.
The peaceful inhabitants were barely talking to each other anymore, or only to be rude with one another. Just one seemed to escape the brainwashing: a Swan named Mihpares, that escaped everyone when they started to be mean to her, and now lives in a small house, out of city. Touan tried to be a jerk, but nothing would work: Mihpares kept being herself.
Only a while late, murders started to occur in Sygnalus: Swans were found slaughtered every month.
Touan thought it was his own people murdering one another. The murders happened for about ten years, and one day finally, when the murders drastically increased, lovan decided to do something about them. He hosted a reunion and every Swan had to be here, including Mihpares. He told his people that if they knew anything about the mysterious murderer, they had to report it immediately.
At the end of the meeting, Touan saw Mihpares getting insulted and beaten by other Swans, but he did nothing about it. And the same night, these Swans got slaughtered...
Was Mihpares behind the murders? It was impossible. Unless... The king had an idea about who could be behind the killing, but it seemed as impossible as Mihpares being the one murdering other Swans. He decided to check on the Gate: the chains were broken. Then he knew: Novaal was back for revenge, befriending Mihpares while staying at her house. How would the Swans bullying her get killed the same night if the two didn't become friends? There was no other solution.
The last afternoon, he sent a letter to the Swan: she had to come to Touan's palace immediately. The king was sure about one thing! If Mihpares and Novaal were indeed friends, Novaal would definitely follow the Swan to the palace. So Touan placed a big amount of guards in his throne room.

When Mihpares got here, the first thing the king did was call Novaal: he was certain she followed her friend. Surprisingly, it was not Novaal that appeared behind a wall, but a creature Touan had never seen before. The creature then ran to the throne and turned into the horrid monster Novaal turned herself into while passing through the Gate! Novaal was indeed behind the murders! And now, she was trying to kill him.
Touan's guards tried to stop the monster, almost putting her down, until Mihpares joined the fight, keeping the guards from attacking her monstrous friend. But them being too many, they both escaped out of the palace, Touan ordering his guards to follow them. The two animals ran into the Gate, Mihpares turning into a monster herself, and they ran under Touan and his guard's beaks, that weren't able to follow them into the other world.

Luckily, the scene at the palace did not escape Felna, that, when understanding her son's trahison and the brainwashing he got herself and the Swan people through, took her crown back. She then had a prison built especially for her son, where he will spend fifty of his years. 

Even if he ended up betraying her, Touan did care a lot about Novaal in the past, but his insecurities and his lust for power made him do a lot of stupid things…

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