Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Age: 37 years old before the mutation
Voice claim: Andrew W.K.
Sexuality: aroace
Status: alive
Family: father (Enrique)


Roberto is a young Mexican man who decided to follow his father, Enrique, in his scientific career.
Because they were leading illegal and dangerous experiments that caused them to get in trouble many times, father and son are both researched by the police, having to change places constantly in Mexico. On the contrary of his father, who is rather short-tempered, impatient and probably insane, Roberto is a very kind man, his goofy temper getting on Enrique's nerves a lot.
One day, randomly, the old man had an illumination: he was convinced the universe was hiding multiple dimensions. This idea lead him to constantly think about a way to discover them, barely eating and not sleeping for days. His son took care of Enrique, forcing him to have a more healthy routine.

And one day, he finally found a solution: if he had enough electricity and a way to contain it, there could be chances he might open a breach through space! He built a lazer, relying every cable of the city into it. And it worked: when he activated the electrical lazer in a separate and secure room of the lab, the beam opened a breach in the air, letting appear a rock desert on the other side. But the breach only remained open for a few seconds, Enrique not having enough electricity to keep it open enough time. The lazer, which was connecting every cable of the city, caused a first massive shutdown. They had to be careful: the police was close to catch them.

Few days later, the father, after bringing a bull, a snake and a bat into the lab, asked his son to put himself in front of the lazer, his body and the animals' probably having enough energy to keep the dimension wide enough: Roberto finally agreed, worried about the sequels this much energy might cause to his body... And he was right to be worried. As soon as Enrique activated the lazer, the experiment failed: the dimension did not appear at all, the lazer beam instead fusing Roberto and the three animals together! Enrique did not expect this to happen, so he quickly decided that him and his son won't go out until they both find a solution to hide the mutations the experiment caused on the man. But there was no hope: the police was sure to find them, the electricity Enrique used for his lazer being connected to the city itself, having provoked a second massive electric shutdown when the experiment failed. Or at least that's what the men believed, until Roberto, with his brand new claws, accidentally dropped a cup of coffee: in an attempt to catch it, he scratched the air, making a second portal appear!
It was the only solution for the authorities to not discover the true danger Enrique's experiments were: Roberto had to leave Earth permanently. The son said his goodbyes to his father and closed the breach behind him: if the police did discover who was behind the shutdowns, only Enrique would be going to prison.

Suite on "Roberto (after the mutation)"


Also fun Roberto fact. He loves unicorns.