Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Species: dhole, Dog
Age: 48 years old
Voice claim: none for now
Sexuality: bisexual
Status: alive
Family: wife (Terencia) and three kids (Bianca,Teddy and Medhy)


Caro is a very kind and caring Dog, even though he grew up in a strict and unloving family, in Dingolunis.
When he turned eighty, he moved to Rascin, and met Terencia a few years later, when he turned twenty five. While Terencia was feared by many Rascin inhabitants because of her looks, Caro found her beautiful: it was love at first sight for the dhole. He tried his best to make the Dog become more confident and feel as loved as possible. Both bought a farm in the countryside of Rascin; later, they eventually got married and had kids.

Caro loves listening to the old radio he bought in an antique store years ago. Even if it's very old, he still refuses to buy a new one!

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