Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Tibetan mastiff/dhole hybrid, Dog
Age: 8 years old
Voice claim: none for now
Sexuality: unknown
Status: alive
Family: mother (Terencia), father (Caro), siblings (Bianca and Teddy)


Medhy is Teddy's twin brother.
Unlike his sibling, he sticks to the rules, although, Teddy sometimes gets him to follow his nonsense!
Medhy has the McCune-Albright syndrome, an illness that makes his bones very fragile: the Dog often breaks them, so his parents brought him a wheelchair when he broke his tibia: Medhy jokingly named it Steven.

The reason he broke his tibia is because he was helping his brother steal a book from Romain’s library! The librarian chased the thieves but Medhy fell down.

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