Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Species: coyote, Dog
Age: about 350 years old
Voice claim: Maya Winky
Sexuality: lesbian
Status: alive
Family: orphan


Most of this character's lore is in "main story"! What I'm gonna write here are additional details and infos about her.


After her best friend's trahison, Novaal had no way to go back to Sygnalus. She tried to break the Gate's chains but nothing would work. So she decided to search for a place to stay in this unknown world. After days of walking in the desert, she found a village, a sign indicating it was called Savo. She spied on the creatures that lived there: they did not look like her new appearance one bit. Luckily for her, she discovered she could shapeshift into one of those creatures! That's how Novaal found herself a new identity as a coyote named Screebip. She met many new friends amongst the animals, known as Dogs. Their world, Canilon, was going through wars, so Screebip tried to help the town inhabitants as much as she could, working different jobs and making everyone laugh. Touan was right after all: creatures did need her help to the other side of the Gate...

To mask her immortality, she traveled through different Canilon towns for about less than a century. Screebip's current home is in the farm of two farmers named Caro and Terencia: she helps with everyday tasks and is the babysitter of their three kids. One day though, she finally found a way to break the chains of the Gate: she discretely returned to Sygnalus and noticed every Swan became horrible because of their king, Touan. As a revenge against him, she decided to murder Swans in hope that one day she'll get to the one that ruined everything.

One day though, she met Mihpares, a Swan that curiously escaped Touan's brainwashing: Screebip decided to let her live instead of killing her. She told the Swan she lost her memory after passing through the Gate: Mihpares gladly offered the Dog to stay to her house, waiting for her memory to get back. Screebip had now many occasions to murder more Swans... King Touan eventually discovered Mihpares was unconsciously offering shelter to the murderer, who was no one but Novaal! Touan then sent a letter to Mihpares, asking her to come to his palace: Screebip, in an attempt to protect her friend, secretly followed her to the palace. Touan was convinced she would follow Mihpares, and once he made sure Screebip was in the palace, he attempted to kill her, revealing her true identity to every Swan in the throne room. Mihpares though, instead of feeling betrayed by the Dog, joined the fight by her side, taking revenge on the guards that were being so mean to her in the past. But them being too numerous, the two friends escaped to Canilon, Mihpares getting changed into a dislocated Dog herself. Mihpares found a new identity as a white Dog named Scotch. The girls then went to Caro and Terencia's home and helped the farmers in tasks at the farm.

Months later, the girls went on a quest to find the first Swan ever exiled to Canilon: King Guillaz. They eventually found him, the animal having a new identity as an African wild Dog named Romain. The Dog confessed to them he was indeed the one behind the wars occurring in Canilon... the wars started one day because of the legend of the Dislocated Dog, legend Dogs created when they saw Romain in his dislocated Dog form for the first time.

The three made a plan to make the nine mayors of Canilon meet, and after many explanations, all of them agreed to make the wars stop, since there was no reason to fear the creature of the legend: he never existed. At least, that's what they affirmed to the mayors, wanting to protect Romain.

Screebip loves loud noises and screaming at the top of her lungs! Her barking is very strident. 
She cares about Scotch very much, Romain as well; even if she rarely shows it. Touan's trahison lead her to believe she was too naive and manipulatable, so she decided to change this about herself: gone, the sweet and caring Novaal, get a rabid and sarcastic Screebip instead!

Also. She has a crush on Scotch. Shhh.

Screebip as From Rotting Fantasylands, the album she’s based on

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